Tuesday, June 30, 2020


I am afraid.  And sad.  I was once told never to use happy, sad, glad, mad when I write, but the depth of this sadness can't be well described. 

What happened to this world we live in in just six short months?  It seems to me that it's gone to straight to hell in a hand basket leaving nothing but destruction in it's wake.  It's terrifying and to the depths of my soul, I am weakened, and often lead to be searching for a word for it. 

Common sense has left the building.  Humanity has been altered.  People can no longer have a safe conversation about things that concern them.  Opinions are headstrong, and opposition is not met with reasonable consideration.  People stopped touching.  People stopped embracing.  Humans have retreated to a mentality so old and stuck in places, I fear there is no peaceful return.  

Hatred is as rampant as the virus that stopped the world.  

I have an acquaintance that currently feels very strongly about many of the issues presented in the media for the people to be considering.  They take a stand about their opinion and then confidently state "if you don't agree with me, we can't be friends", or "delete me from you media applications as I cannot tolerate your opinion".   THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG!  Your opinion may not be correct or superior just because you believe it to be so, or intend goodness.  Your choice is to have feelings regarding a situation, but it also your choice to be isolating people and forcing them to agree with you using emotional blackmail and fear tactics.  STOP IT.  

In 1962, John Diefenbaker spoke in an address in regards to the Canadian Bill of Rights:

“I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”
― John G. Diefenbaker

There is an option to simply disagree and carry on with your life being a good person with good intentions without degrading other humans for their opinion.  It is possible to be good, to do good, to make a difference just by being good and embracing the freedoms we have in this country for EVERYONE. 

I'd like to share with you some of MY freedoms and opinions that have surfaced in the last six months.

1.  Love whomever you want.  Be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual (whatever the heck that is - who creates these titles anyways?).  Be you.  Love.  BUT while you sort out your own sexuality and identity, do not hang onto people with falsity.  Do not hurt other humans with your choices.  Also - refrain from becoming trapped in a popularity contest to appear to be someone you truly aren't.  You do not need to accept a title, role, or way of being just because the media told you to.  Be who you are. Be genuine.  Love. 

2.  Please stop projecting your fears on other people.  
  • If you are in fear of virus or illness - please do yourself a favor and stay home.  Wear your mask, physical distance, do what you feel is necessary.  I do not choose these things - this does not make me evil or wrong or uneducated.  I choose to accept a life that involves in smiles, and embraces, and physical closeness.  I choose to respect your boundaries, and I practice practical sense.  I promise not to lick you.  I will not succumb to media produced fear.  That is my choice.  
  • Stop creating names for people who do not align with your current beliefs/opinions/thoughts/actions.  Stop speaking with hatred. 
  • Life is scary - I don't require your reminder. 
  • Be open minded and remember to think for yourself.  It was a gift given to you that often goes unused. 

3.  All lives matter.  I refuse to separate that by race.  That doesn't mean I don't understand the urgency of societal movements.  It means I choose to respect all humans and when you are crying out for your mother in your last hours because of injustice and society - I will stand behind you as a HUMAN.  Not as a white human respecting your alternate race, not as a woman respecting you as a man, AS A HUMAN.  For the love of all things good, can we please get over the color of someone's exterior, dismantle superiority entirely, and stop killing each other?  

4.  I will never accept rioting and violence as protest.  I do not agree that protests create change.  I will not apologize for that.  I will agree that education, action and well intentioned great leaders will change the world.  

5.  I will always choose kindness, even when the people around me do not.  I do believe more people should learn this. 

6.  I will never let anyone decide the following things for me: 
  • my worth
  • my reactions
  • the people I chose to include in my life and the people I do not
  • my opinions, my beliefs, my free will.
7.  All things today come with a history. ALL THINGS WITHOUT EXCEPTION.  History is a necessary learning tool for growth, progression, failure, success, and forward movement.  We should all be learning constantly from past experience - personally, socially, politically, globally.  Not all things were created with poor intentions in their time, so instead of projecting shame, encourage growth and forward movement.  Do not become loud and offensive over something like a character on syrup or a team name created a centruy ago, but agree with the necessity for change and be grateful for social forward movement.  Anger and hatred is not the answer especially when it's a reaction.  

I am a white Canadian woman.  I have struggled in my life, but I am very aware of my privilege.  I come from a good family with years and years of changing and progressing opinions.  I have learned my strength and my confidence.  I choose kindness, and easily become gutted by people who do not.  I am tired of this hate filled world and long for some sort of peace - and when I find peace in the embrace of one of my people, there is not a wild train that could drag me from it.  I wish more people could feel that way. 

Our world has changed so much, and I fear not for the return to normal, but for what has become the acceptance of how we are living.  


Hiraeth - a longing for home you can't return to or one that was never yours. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful my friend, you have captured what a lot are feeling. Love you to the moon ... hugs :)
