Monday, January 6, 2020

At Least I Wasn't Wearing That Dress

So the funk... It's still lingering.  I still have very little motivation despite the stacks of paper on my desk.  But yesterday, I felt the break.  I knew when it cracked.  I felt it.  And do you want to know what did it?  The Golden Globe Red Carpet. 

I know, right? 

Years ago, I started watching the Red Carpet for all the events - Golden Globes, Emmy's and the Oscars... ohhh the Oscars. It's the biggest, the brightest and the best.  I didn't watch it alone, of course.  This was always a Sunday with mom.  We'd watch for the dresses, the outfits and the stars.  The whos who of the whos who.  What's she wearing, who's he with, and did she just fall UP the stairs?  It makes me gloriously happy.  I don't really care about the awards at all. I just want to see what she wore...

Last night, I was wallowing in it, still.  Let's be honest.  It's just gross.  Like, dude, go outside.  But no... the couch held me.  I turned it on without knowing it was on.  E-Live! At the Red Carpet!  Yes!!!    My soul jumped a little.  I know it's weird, you don't need to tell me.  I gawked at the dresses, I gasped at the feathery suit.  I wanted that necklace... and then, I texted my mom. 

Suddenly it was like she was sitting right with me as we gawked and ewwwed.  And the lonliness was a little less.  And then my phone buzzed and Dana said "ummm did you just see what that dress..." 

Well, yes I did.  And I laughed.  Across two provinces, from three little towns, we watched the Red Carpet Glamor and gushed over Scarlett Johanson, and wondered what Gwenyth Paltrow was thinking, and is that half a dress Carrie Washington was wearing?  Are those Beyonce's boobs in her sleeves?  What is going on?  This year may have been the year of the most ridiculous dresses and I cannot wait for the Oscars! 

I guess what I'm saying is, I've been a little blue in all this grey here in the snow.  There's a bit of funk in the air.  There's busy times, and some adjusting to do.  There's the settling still and the figuring out, and the planning and the year ahead.  It's been a bit of a time for our souls ( I hear you loud and clear friends and I love you all so much)... But... at least, we didn't have to wear that dress. In public. 

It's going to be better. Hang on, you can do it.  I love you.


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